Who told you that you were naked?

Genesis 3:11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?

I have always pondered on this verse because it seemed God knew the answer to the question that He was asking Adam and Eve. Yet, I realized that God just wanted Adam and Eve to confess the reason why they reached the state that they found themselves in, to guide them to freedom.

It’s like God was saying, “I safely left you at point A where I provided everything for your life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) yet you stepped over to point B; where I did not provide for your peace”. Somehow, they did not answer the question directly; but started the finger-pointing game – which ended with: “The serpent beguiled me…” (Genesis 3:13)

There are a lot of similar questions we can use to evaluate our situations. I thought about that face-to-face Eve had with the serpent… then the face to back she and Adam had with God. Wouldn’t it have been so healthy for her peace of mind to just walk away from that conversation with the serpent?

Someone coined the phrase “you can’t unsee it”. Similarly, there are things that we can’t “un-hear”. Some of those things which seek to entangle us are by chance and some by choice. (i.e.: No one chooses to step into an abusive situation.)

Yet, the Power of God exists to undo those things we feel we can’t “un-see” nor “un-hear.” God provided for Adam and Eve’s covering at that moment (by shedding the animal’s blood). At that same moment, He formulated a plan: the shedding of His own Son’s blood for our future covering! (John 3:16-17) .. To cover not condemn: This was birthed in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15). God, Himself came down to cover us.

God sent His Son to undo things such as:
Who told you that you were invalidated? Did you listen to someone I didn’t send to speak life to you? (John 10:10: Life more abundantly) (Isaiah 26:3: Perfect Peace)

Who told you that you were not precious in my sight? Did you compare yourself up to someone you had no place idolizing? (Isaiah 49:16: Engraved in His hands)

Who told you that you cannot do all things? Did you let that one negative thought in your heart steal your dreams? (Philippians 4:13)

Who told you that you have to live in turmoil, hatred, or unforgiveness? Did you let envy, strife, jealously, or hatred into your life? (Romans 8:6: Spiritually minded)

Who told You that you will fall? Did you take your eyes off me? (Matthew 14:30)

Who told you that you can’t be forgiven? Did you allow the lies of the enemy into your mind? (Philippians 2:5: The mind of Christ).

The love of God washes all these things away. Let us constantly replace the nakedness of all that keeps us down, separated from the Father and bound in a swirling battle in our mind, with the love and joy of Jesus. It’s so freeing!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”‭‭ 2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ N‭KJV‬‬

Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for loving us enough to send Jesus down to cover us. We pray that you would free us from the things that entangle us. That our minds will be free to love the way you created us to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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