I’ve been musing over Peter’s life a lot lately, and as sit in my stateroom looking out onto the ocean, I thought about Peter’s request to Jesus, to ‘bid him to come’ and join Him as he walked on the Sea of Galilee. According to Philippians 2:13, that request no doubt was placed in Peter’s heart by the Holy Spirit who,
“is at work within us, helping us want to obey him, and then helping us do what he wants us to.”
I could almost feel Peter’s fear as I thought of all the questions that would have flooded my mind if I were Peter. Questions like, what if this isn’t really Jesus, but a ghost, imposter, or my mind playing tricks on me? Can I really do this? What if I drown?
I looked over the rail and thought that Jesus himself would have a very hard time trying to convince me to step over the rail and onto the calm ocean waters.
Would you ever contemplate stepping out of a ship and into the ocean if a figure claiming to be Jesus came out to you walking on the water?
Yep, I heard that cynical chuckle, and it sounded very familiar.
The truth is, all of the other disciples were terrified and were definitely not in a frame of mind for walking on water. Peter likely wasn’t either, but as I mentioned before the Holy Spirit likely prompted Peter.
Peter’s request and action of faith in the midst of fear spoke volumes about his relationship with Jesus. While everyone else was cowering, he was conversing.
Peter knew and trusted Jesus enough to step out of the boat. Peter shared a personal relationship with Jesus. He entertained Jesus in his home. Jesus knew Peter’s wife and healed his Mother in law. Peter spent time sitting at Jesus’ feet learning about and from him. Peter knew Jesus well enough to distinguish him from a ghost, imposter, and figment of the imagination.
He may not have been 100% sure initially, but after he heard his Rabbi’s voice any uncertainty was cleared up and he stepped onto the waves.
A willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone into the vast, raging unknown requires a relationship of great trust, as well as an understanding of the power and authority of the one bidding you to come.
What’s your relationship with Jesus like? Does hearing the voice of your Savior clear up any uncertainty? Do you understand His power and authority?
Another truth that caught my attention is that Peter had to block out the noise of his environment that was filled with fear and doubt, and focus in on what he knew to be the truth.
Isn’t that the same for us today? The noise of the world constantly yells to us messages that go against the truth of God’s Word.
Messages like; ‘focus on #1 vs love your neighbor as yourself. Keep, save, horde you need more and more and more vs give and you will receive. Get back at those who wrong you vs repay evil with good. Hate your enemies and do everything within your power to destroy them vs love your enemies. You’ve got this, you don’t need anything or anyone vs trust in the Lord…. don’t lean on your simple human understanding. Have you ever had to shut down any of these messages that go against the word of God? Do other untruths that you deal with come to mind?
Here’s something I’ve learned: everything I have, came from my Heavenly Father. Even the breath, health, and strength to enjoy my earthly possessions are gifts from God to me, because I am His favorite child 😃. Don’t feel jealous, you’re his favorite too. That’s the beauty of unconditional love. Our Father loves us each more than we can even begin to perceive. If you don’t quite get the magnitude of His love, just ask Him to help you understand how much He truly loves you.
I’ve also learned that there will never be a time when I will be in need without a source of supply, because my Abba has promised to ‘supply EVERYTHING I need’, and has ‘already provided everything I need to live a Godly life’. My provisions already exist, and they will manifest at the correct ‘time’.
I’ve also learned that the more I give (away), and the more loosely I hold on to my possessions, the more my Abba seems to give to me: like requesting an upgraded room and being turned down, only to get to my assigned room and recognize that it was already upgraded to an unobstructed ocean view, or opening up my cruise account and finding the gift of $100 US in spending credit, or returning from breakfast and finding the gift of a beautiful sterling silver charm bracelet, left on my well-made bed. I could go on and on, but you get the point right.
God’s word is true, when He puts it on our hearts to do something that seems outside of our ability, he provides the desire, ability, and resources to do it.
One key factor is understanding that the moment you give your life to Jesus, you change realities, you are no longer subject to the realities of this world. “You became a new creation” and were supernaturally translated from bring ruled by earthly limitations to being under the limitlessness of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus lived in this reality, that’s why He was able to walk on water, feed a multitude with a child’s lunch, heal the sick, raise the dead, speak with boldness and authority, and come back to life after three days following His crucifixion and burial.
Here’s the amazing thing, in John 14:12 Jesus said that we would do greater things than He did. Isn’t that mindblowing? Yep, it certainly is, but it’s your reality if you choose to walk in it. “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you can command mountains to move and they will obey you, Matthew 17:20.”
I hope you are truly grasping this, it’s about experiencing a paradigm shift. Accepting your true reality. Here’s another example. While I was writing this, I attempted to check a reference and noticed that I had no internet access, so I spoke to it, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to switch from my international data plan to the ship Wi-Fi which I didn’t pay for, so I obeyed, and voila, I had internet access. That is my reality as a child of God and it’s your reality too if you are a child of God. Everything you need is provided. No limitations!
I must mention that the paradigm shift I mentioned earlier is a complete transformation where your focus shifts from your need for rent or mortgage money, or a new car or job, to asking God for nations. All those other things have already been supplied, thank your abba for those provisions, no need to labor there.
Abba says, in Psalm 2:8, “Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession.”
2024 is a year to begin ‘Kingdom thinking’. Do you get that the Bible says you will lend to nations? Go and Google it, get hungry enough to do your own research on your reality, and study God’s word for yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit.
While you live in this world, ‘you are not of this world’! Not my words. That is a quote from John 17:16.
You are seated with Christ in Heavenly places according to Ephesians 2:6.
I have sooo much more to say on this topic, but I sense the Holy Spirit telling me to pause here, so I will obey.
If you took the time to read this, I don’t believe that it was by chance. Like Peter, you obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and I believe that you are chosen for massive transformation, and even greater things in 2024.
I want to challenge you today, as you have read this, to begin thinking and living, in your true reality: walk on that water, speak to that mountain, feed the multitude with the kid’s lunch, walk by that blind person and see them gain sight, speak to that lifeless body in that hospital bed and see it regain consciousness, then do even greater things in 2024.
Abba Father, I pray for your dear children reading this today, that you will remove the scales from their eyes and give them a glimpse into the realities of the kingdom of heaven. Help them to begin to understand what an existence in the Heavenly realms looks like. Give them the ability to receive these words from you, and teach them daily to live them. May they grow in faith, knowledge, and sight as your Holy Spirit teaches them. May 2024 be a year of transformation in every area of their lives. Amen!
If you’ve never asked Christ to be Lord of your life, please pray this prayer. ‘Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sin please forgive me, cleanse me, and make me your child. I commit my life to you today and ask you to be my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.’
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Stepping out by faith.
As always, the timing of the word is a blessing. I thank God our father for you and the holy spirits guidance in your life. My soul is blessed and filled to start the new year.
To you and family. Happy new year.