Seeing God in the Rain Clouds

As I drove down a sunny Florida highway, the sun slowly disappeared and gave way to clouds, which quickly burst forth into pouring rain. After about fifteen minutes of driving in the rain where 70 mph traffic turned to 20 mph, we came upon a dry area of land on the highway. It was amazing! You could even see the line of separation between the rain clouds and the clear blue sky. 

The sudden change reminded me of God’s power. Who else can rain on one side of a fence and allow it to be dry and sunny on the other side? Who else can heal a sick person who everyone shook their heads at, and left for dead? Who else can change a life that is consumed by sin? We sometimes forget the power of God that can change lives, even when the person we are praying for shows no hope of change. When things seem far beyond our control – But God! We have to pause and remember that God does far beyond our human minds, far beyond our sight and even beyond our faith. (Ephesians 3:20) We need to ask the Lord to renew our faith. Just like the man that asked, “Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) We need that daily reminder that we are still striving for the faith that said “Lazarus come forth” (John 11:43) or that spoke to the storm “Peace be still.”(Mark 4:39). 

Yes, our God is a miracle-working God. The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the same power that works in us today. (Romans 8:11). The apostle Paul reminded us that our faith should not rest in man’s wisdom but in God’s power (1Corinthians 2:5). Let us continue to look at the little things that the Lord puts in place to remind us of His power and burst into praise when we realize His greatness.

Originally published on August 15th, 2007

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