A Season of Divine Purpose and Divine Provision.

Recently, God has been giving me an almost constant sight of an abundance of blessing being poured out upon His people. The term opulence seems to be a major theme, and after hesitating for a while, I’ve decided to just be obedient, so here goes.

This is a season where God is beginning to bring into reality those things that He planted within the hearts of His people. Those ‘much bigger than us’ dreams and visions that we can’t possibly see any way of fulfilling, are being manifest. God is bringing us into an expansive place, and he’s adding the provision to the purpose.

Pause for a moment now, and connect with God almighty who is the author and finisher of your faith. See as He sees, what’s coming into your life. Don’t limit Him, trust him and see it: opulent provision, wisdom, insight, discernment, confidence, boldness, favor and supernatural ability. It’s all coming into existence now in the mighty name of Jesus.

God is preparing His bride for His return and He’s initiating the greatest harvest ever. In the midst of all the chaos, turmoil, anger and sorrow in our world today, God is drawing hearts to Himself in droves. The harvest is ripe and He’s ready for you to be the laborer that He’s called you to be. God is pouring out the provision for His purpose to be fulfilled within and through you.

He’s opening doors for some to buy homes, lands and commercial buildings, and launching grand initiatives through others. You will become a source to many who have been downtrodden and disenfranchised. Don’t try to understand every detail, just trust God’s leading and step forward ‘in purpose’.

He’s moving you from scarcity, lack and hoarding, into abundance and outpouring. As you give out, He will constantly replenish you. You will want for nothing, for He will supply every single thing needed for the journey ahead, as he promised in His word.

In a recent conversation with God, He asked why I was currently teaching. My obvious answer was, because that’s my calling, but God wasn’t asking why I was teaching in general, He was asking why I was teaching, where I was teaching. Again the response that was obvious to me was, ‘because you miraculously opened this amazing door of blessing for me to teach at this fantastic school’.

The rest of the conversation was very insightful, as God revealed to me that I had limited myself and His hand with my ‘small vision’. I was called to teach nations and here I was, stagnated, and comfortable with the minimal utilization of my giftings and talents, because it was a place of His blessing.

God used Isaac’s story in Genesis 26 to clarify what He was saying. After being pushed out of Garer, having his wells stopped up, then digging wells and having those stolen from him, Isaac dug the well that he called Rehoboth. In Genesis 26:22 Isaac says, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.”

I imagine that Isaac intended to stay in that place of blessing and enjoy the bounty of the Lord, but that wasn’t Isaac’s last well of blessing, it was just another blessing along the journey.

God moved Isaac on to Beersheba where he pitched his tents and dug another well that he called Shibah which means ‘well of oath’. The same king who pushed Isaac out of Garer pursued him to make a covenant with him. The king said, “Now we know that the Lord is with you,…Now it is clear that the Lord has blessed you.”

Just as with Isaac, the blessings of the Lord upon your life will be evident to those around you. Even those who sought to push you out in the past, will pursue you to support you as you pursue God’s purpose in obedience.

If you have become stuck in a place of blessing, I want to encourage you to listen to the voice of God as He says, “Do not fear, for I am with you. I will (continue to) bless you….’, just as He said to Isaac.

Embrace the broadness and blessing of your Rehoboth, but keep moving as God directs you. This is not your final well of blessing, but just one along the journey as you pursue God’s expansive vision for your life.

Be blessed!

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5 thoughts on “A Season of Divine Purpose and Divine Provision.

  1. Hey there! Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to give it a look. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Great blog and fantastic style and design.

  2. Ave, this is such a blessing and confirmation of all that God has been saying to me. Totally aligning with His prophetic word to my heart!

  3. This is really good Averil…blessings on your life as you continue to write from your heart as God speaks to you…this is really a blessing for mewhich i enjoyed reading…thank you for sharing this with me.

    1. Ave. This is such a prophetic word. God has all these provisions for us. Let us believe, step out in faith and expand!!

    2. Thank you for your kind comment. May you never become comfortable in your current blessing, but may you continuously move forward and upward, into greater outpourings, as you fulfill your purpose in Christ.

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