In Joshua chapter 24, an aging Joshua declared his purpose before the people of Israel: To serve God (v.15). He placed a standard before them and then set a strange choice before them. I wondered if Joshua was using some kind of psychology on the people Israel. In the past when I read this verse, I have always thought that he gave them a choice to serve the true and Living God or to choose some other gods. However, Joshua gave them the choice between other ‘gods’. He told them they could choose between the gods of Egypt and the gods of the Amorites, yet his choice was to serve the LORD. I think Israel must have been shocked at his comment because they responded, “God forbid that we should forsake the Lord and serve other gods!” However, we know the history, it would not take long before they went through the period of the Judges where they did just that – ‘go after other gods’ (Judges 2:17). Our purpose, serving the Lord, must be established in ‘sincerity and truth’ (I Corinthians 5:8) if we are to fulfill it. Our hearts have to be inclined unto the Lord (Joshua 24:23) and He will help us to fulfill our purpose.
At this point in his life, Joshua realized that it was close to the end and he was giving a goodbye message to the people. I am sure he realized that his life would not have been futile if he had not fulfilled his purpose of serving God. If he had agreed with the other spies and reported that they could not take the land or if he had not accepted the challenge to take up the staff after Moses’ death, he would not have fulfilled his purpose. Whatever point you are in your life, beginning, middle or end, let us re-evaluate to see if we are walking fully in that purpose.
Originally published on May 15th, 2007
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