I’m Available! He’s Able!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Moses’ relationship with God was a clear partnership. The Moses who God anointed and appointed was the same person who lost it and killed the Egyptian; who said he couldn’t speak and needed Aaron; who angrily broke the stone tablets inscribed with the 10 Commandments; who hit the rock instead of speaking to it; who complained about how God was going to feed the people meat.

Have you considered the reasons why you might be disqualified from something?

God saw and knew Moses’ deficiencies, yet He still chose to use Moses. Moses was inadequate in his own strength. His ability and skill for the huge task of leading the children of Israel came from God. Yep, messed up Moses, was chosen by God!

The theme verse reminds us that as we partner with God, He gives us the ability and skill needed to accomplish all that we need to.

Throughout Jesus’ life, He constantly partnered with God the Father, which is most evident in His moments of weakness.

In Matthew 4:1-11, when Jesus was accosted by the devil after a long period of fasting, He partnered with God the Father, by drawing all of His responses from the word. I love the end result stated in vs 11, “Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.”

For me, this has been a season of intentionally and repeatedly giving everything to God, and every so often God has had to remind me to take my hands off and let Him do His work.

I can truly say it’s been a series of lessons in learning to partner with the God of the Universe who created me and knows me better than I know myself. I sometimes find myself partnering with God in some areas and subconsciously trying to deal with other areas independently.

In the midst of it all. I have seen Him work things out in ways that I couldn’t imagine, and one benefit of this journey that I have enjoyed the most is the peace that I’ve experienced: “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”, that is spoken of in Philippians 4:7.

God has walked me through impossible situations, opened incredible doors, made unimaginable provisions, granted unbelievable favor, and filled me with incomprehensible joy and peace.

With all of my heart, I say thank you, Lord!

If you have been trying to handle life on your own, I want to invite you to partner with your Heavenly Father who loves you dearly and whose plans are for your good. This requires that you trust him sufficiently to take your hands off, step back and allow Him to do His work.

Trust that He loves you unconditionally and wants only what’s best for you. Even when you can’t see how things will work out, trust Him! If you do, I can guarantee that you’ll have an amazing testimony to share.

Pray with me: Heavenly Father I want to partner with you, please forgive me of my sins and make me your own. Amen!

If you prayed the above prayer, please leave a comment below and let us know. We would love to connect with you and provide you with some resources. Be blessed.

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5 thoughts on “I’m Available! He’s Able!

  1. Wow…Thank you!!!!! As you clearly documented, partnership requires trust. Your message perfectly ties in to a recent experience–actually, just 2 days ago. On Sunday evening as I stopped at a viewing point on my walk along the Brooklyn Bridge, somehow my attention was drawn to the bolts and beams used as a part of the support structure for the bridge. I began to think of the water that may cause erosion over time, the heavy weight of the people and vehicles supported by the structure and the weather that the support structures have to endure in order to perform their task. I then thought of the trust that I (and everyone who crosses the bridge) have placed in these inanimate objects. Yet, I dare to question God about what He is doing (or not doing) instead of TRUSTING Him to handle the situations and to handle me. God cannot fail and my prayer is that I will truly TRUST my MAKER- with all aspects of my life. Thank you…

    P.S. Please excuse the lengthy comment. I will try to be brief with the other readings.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. May our Abba Father continue to provide opportunities, and even more so than before, for you to inspire, encourage and empower women near and far. May you be continuously refreshed as you spend time in His presence.

    1. Thank you for sharing your comment. As you carve out time to spend in His presence, may our Heavenly Father enhance your ‘discernment and sight’, and increase your boldness, so that you will impact the lives of women from all around the world.

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