Over this past week, I’ve spent a lot of moments reflecting on how much the Lord has blessed me, and I thought I’d share a few of my random musings with you.
When you look over your life, I’m positive that you’ll find many things to grumble and complain about. Perhaps the water heater broke, or it rained as you were exiting the salon, or your child did poorly on a major exam, or you received a bad medical report, or you forgot an important appointment. I can go on and on, but I want to pause and remind us that gratitude is a choice.
One of my lessons this week spoke about the fact that each day, we get to choose how we respond to everyone and everything around us. When something goes wrong we can choose to complain or come up with a solution. When someone is cruel or rude, we can choose to respond in kind or with kindness, choose to lash out, or act with restraint.
I pray that the Holy Spirit reveals the truths of 1 Thessalonians 5 to you as I share a couple of verses. Verse 10 says, “He gave his life for us so that we may share in resurrection life in union with him—whether we’re awake or asleep.”
Then verses 16 – 18 say, “Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you who are united with (one with) Christ Jesus.”
The first thing that stood out to me in that scripture is, “… that we may share in resurrection life…” What does that look like?
Acts 2:24 says, “God raised him (Christ) from death, setting him free from its power, because it was impossible that death should hold him prisoner.” Do you get the magnitude of that? We, like Christ, have been freed by God, from death and all of its power. What powers of death have you allowed to keep you bound? Understand that the resurrection life within you makes it impossible for death to hold you, prisoner.
What comes to mind is a dog that has been chained for years, then suddenly freed. Although the chain no longer has the power to restrict the dog’s movement, because of years of conditioning, the dog remains imprisoned by the chain until his freedom is made apparent.
The Holy Spirit says to you who are held captive by imaginary chains, ” today is the day that your freedom is made apparent,” step beyond all that has limited you and begin to live the resurrection life that is yours through your union with Jesus Christ.
This is how David described the resurrection life, as quoted in Peter’s Pentecost sermon, in verses 25 – 28 of Acts 2, “I continually see the Lord in front of me. He’s at my right hand, and I am never shaken. No wonder my heart is glad and my glory celebrates! My mouth is filled with his praises… For you have revealed to me (taught me) the pathways to life, and seeing your face (your presence) fills me with euphoria (exceeding joy)!”
Do you get it? Firstly, God is always with us. That alone is great cause to be grateful. Acknowledge it, ‘The almighty God, creator of the universe and sustainer of all life, is constantly with me.’ Nothing shakes you if you truly grasp that truth.
Secondly, God has taught us how to live the resurrection life. That doesn’t leave room for fumbling around in the darkness without directions and purpose. The master teacher has taught us. So, is there a seeming disconnect in your life? Are you living like the dog, imprisoned by the imaginary chain? Now is a good time to pause and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what His word says about you, to teach you God’s way to live.
A little more food for thought. Colossians 1:26 & 27 says, “Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!”
Let me repeat verses 16 – 18 of 1 Thessalonians 5 “Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you who are united with (one with) Christ Jesus.” Simple put, a life of gratitude is God’s perfect plan for us. That’s it. No further explanation needed. 😊
I pray that as you have read these scriptures, the Holy Spirit allows you to see the hidden truths in the verses, and that they will revolutionize your life. Amen!
If you’ve never asked Christ to be Lord of your life please pray this prayer. Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sin please forgive me, cleanse me, and make me your child. I commit my life to you today. Amen.
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Thanks very much. You are on target- any “imaginary chains” must be removed. I like the fact that it’s not real and we have the resurrected Christ living in us. Hallelujah!
We truly have to always give thanks; rejoice evermore; praying without ceasing.