All In Or Not?

As I spent time in prayer this morning the Holy Spirit brought these three scriptures to my mind, one at a time, in this exact order: Luke 10:19, Jeremiah 32:27, and Isaiah 43. He’s been leading me to read the first one repeatedly for over 4 months now, but today as I recited it from memory, it took on a whole new meaning. I saw it vividly. It was as though the words had power all of sudden. The words sprang to life. “Behold, I give you power over all the powers of the enemy…”

While I was still ruminating on it, the other two began to dance in my head and heart in a procession one after the other. “… Is there anything too hard for me….”, “Fear not… you are mine….”

Then it happened! “Are they the truth or a lie?” The Holy Spirit spoke directly, clearly, and unapologetically to me.

“Do they apply to you?”

“Do you believe them?”

“Are those my words? Am I a liar?”

“Does my word return void?”

“Have you seen them work before?”

“Why would I choose to heal, bless, answer others through you, and leave you wanting?”

“Am I cruel or am I love?”

I felt bombarded by questions, one after another, from the Holy Spirit. They continued to come at me until I was laying face down.

Then I felt it! A blanket of peace enveloped me and I breathe deeply as I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I love you more than the lilies. I love you more than the birds. I took on flesh and died for you. You are mine.”

One question kept repeating in my head. Are you all in or not? Are you all in or not? Are you all in or not?
I want to turn that question to you. Are you all in or not?
Do you choose to believe all of God’s word and be all in or do you choose to believe selected portions and be lukewarm like the Laodicean church?

As I continued to muse in His presence I began to recognize that I haven’t really been all in. There have been scriptures that I have believed wholeheartedly and there are others that seemed too good to be true. While I have always purported to believe God’s word, I have via my actions, been declaring portions of it to be a lie.

I want to challenge you today to examine your life and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you truly stand with regards to believing God’s Holy Word.

Have life’s trials taught you that certain promises in God’s word don’t apply to you?

That’s a God and creation conversation, as only He can shine light into places you don’t even know are dark.

A couple of months ago as I spent time studying about the children of Israel, the more I read the scriptures, the more envious I became of the Jewish people. I know they went through unspeakable evils, but at the end of the day, they were God’s choose people. They were God’s favorites, the ones He truly loved even when he was super mad at them. They were the ones he would always bless and prosper. They were Daddy’s spoiled children. He parted seas and rivers for them, He provided heavenly food for them, He destroyed their enemies when the odds were against them. He is and always will be their God!

I wanted that and wished for that and dreamed about that, then the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see the truth in Ephesians 3:6, “…Both Gentiles and Jews who believe… share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.”

I was blown away. I read it over and over and over. I discussed it with a friend, then read it a few times more. It’s not that this was the first time I read that scripture, but it was the first time the Holy Spirit allowed me to truly grasp the magnitude of its meaning.

So just as much as any Jewish believer has claim to being God’s chosen person, I too share that claim equally. Just as any Jewish believer has claim to the blessings of Abraham, I too share that claim equally. Just as any Jewish believer has claim to the Aaronic blessing, I too share that claim equally. I equally share claim to every promise spoken by God to His Jewish children, because I too am His.

Now, am I still all in or not? Is that scripture too much to accept as truth or do I believe God’s word 100%? What’s your answer to that question?

When God’s word says you are the head, is that the truth or a lie. What about, “You shall eat any deadly thing and shall not be harmed,” is that the truth or a lie.

How about Luke 10:19, is that the truth or a lie? “Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his (Satan’s) kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority.”

How about Jeremiah 32:27, is that truth or a lie? “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”

How about Isaiah 43:1, is that truth or a lie? “Fear not, for I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine….”

There are so many more scriptures that are coming to mind right now, but these are the ones I believe God wants me to share with you. It’s up to you now to delve into the word of God and find those scriptures that the Holy Spirit wants to shine a light on for you.

I’m not saying that we won’t go through hardship, Job was a clear example. God himself described Job as a faithful, blameless, God-fearing, shunner of evil, yet God allowed Satan to have open season on Job. Job’s response can be simply summarized: he just kept on trusting God.

Today, since the day of Pentecost, we can depend upon the Holy Spirit for wisdom and directives. We can hear the voice of God and discern His mind and heart, so we can overcome, pass, and learn from the temptations, tests, and trials we face.

What does the Word of God say about whatever you’re facing right now, and what is the Holy Spirit telling you about the situation? Look, listen and trust God: be all in!

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